Overcoming Perfectionism: Strategies for Individuals with ADHD

For people with ADHD, the executive function deficits that come with the condition can make it difficult to get organized, set goals, and initiate tasks. When perfectionism is added to the mix, it can make these challenges even more daunting.

Perfectionism can also lead to an inability to finish tasks, as the individual may become bogged down in the details, constantly striving for perfection but never feeling like they have achieved it. This can be particularly frustrating for those with ADHD, who may already have a hard time with sustained focus and attention to detail.

So, how can individuals with ADHD who struggle with perfectionism work to overcome this obstacle? Here are a few strategies:

  1. Set realistic goals: It's important to recognize that perfection is an unattainable standard, and to be kind to oneself by setting more achievable goals. This can help reduce feelings of overwhelm and increase the likelihood of task completion.

  2. Use visual aids to help with organization and task initiation: Tools like to-do lists and calendars can be helpful for individuals with ADHD in breaking down tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks.

  3. Seek support: A therapist or coach can be a valuable resource in helping to identify and challenge perfectionistic thought patterns, and in finding strategies for coping with them.

  4. Practice self-compassion: It's important to remember that no one is perfect, and to be kind to oneself when mistakes are made. This can help reduce feelings of self-criticism and increase the motivation to try again.

By recognizing the role that perfectionism plays in task initiation and completion, and by implementing strategies to manage it, individuals with ADHD can work to overcome this obstacle and be more successful in their endeavors.

Lauren Dibble, LMFT

Owner and Psychotherapist at Brilla Counseling Services


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