Therapy Designed for You

Personalized Support for Women with ADHD

Living with ADHD can be unpredictable, frustrating, overwhelming, and even depressing…

…never knowing if today will be productive or a total wash. You can go from having extreme successes in your career—receiving praise or getting a big promotion—to falling a month behind on laundry or getting fired from a job from being late one too many times…

You feel like an imposter and that the charade could be over at any time.

Your mood and energy is unpredictable day to day and you struggle to be consistent to meet your goals.

You're constantly trying to find your keys or other misplaced items…making you late even when you had the best intentions to be on time. People around you may be frustrated with your behavior making you feel perpetually misunderstood. You feel exhausted, overwhelmed, and guilty.

You think, “Maybe I'm depressed or have anxiety,” but the conclusion you often come to is "I must just be lazy." 

You may even be losing your sense of hope that things can be better.

After years of trying to figure it out with different programs, medications, and therapists, you still feel like you’re not quite getting to the heart of the issue. You really don’t know if things can ever change for you.

Many women with ADHD have had a negative experience in therapy

Many women describe experiences of “out talking” their therapists, feeling like they aren’t getting any direct feedback on their struggles, or coming away without concrete skills or a roadmap to navigating ADHD. Many have given up and have settled on just taking medication or just “figuring it out” with online resources or alone.

Lauren Dibble, LMFT, founder of Brilla Counseling, was one of those many women.

She found herself drawn to the promise of therapy but never found full resolution to her struggles or true self-understanding. She was finally diagnosed with adult ADHD during her Master’s in Counseling program.

Lauren’s mission is to provide a space for women with ADHD to finally experience therapy designed for them….instead of just trying to fit themselves into the neurotypical world of mental health care.

At Brilla Counseling you can be fully you.

You don’t have to worry if your therapist can track the conversation or keep you focused on your main point. You don’t have to worry about being “too much”.

We hope that you can trust us to set the pace, give the sessions structure, and help you define your own goals for what you want to achieve in your life. We have knowledge about ADHD, tools to help you find success, and deep understanding about the lived experience of adult ADHD.

When you’re ready…..set up your free, 20-minute consultation with Lauren to explore if therapy for adult ADHD is right for you.

If you’re ready let’s chat..

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