Still have questions?

What if my child is struggling with more than just ADHD?

Approximately 64 percent of children with ADHD also have a concurrent disorder or condition—a majority of which are behavioral and conduct issues.[3] For instance, girls with ADHD are 3.6 times more likely to experience an eating disorder than those without ADHD.[4]

The first goal in therapy will be to stabilize your child’s mental health before targeting their ADHD symptoms. This is one significant way that therapy for children differs from coaching.

I’m worried I can’t afford private pay therapy…

This is a very real and important concern. Whenever possible, I want people to be able to use insurance benefits. Sometimes this happens through getting reimbursed by submitting superbills. Sometimes the only option is to find a provider in network. However, people often start to seek out a specialist when going the insurance route hasn’t worked for them already or they need immediate and expert help with ADHD related concerns.

If private pay therapy is truly out of reach for you right now. I highly recommend visiting where they offer free education for parents of children with ADHD and even free parent support groups.

What if my teen doesn’t want to go to therapy or says everything is “fine”?

Teenagers can have many reasons for not wanting to go to counseling. They may fear something is wrong with them for needing support, or they may be tired of therapists trying to “fix” them. 

However, neurodiversity-affirming therapy for ADHD is about meeting teens where they are so they can accept themselves and move forward independently with their life.

It is important for teens to know that they don’t have to be in crisis to benefit from ADHD informed therapy. It gives them a space to be themselves and take concrete steps toward the life they want.

Set up your free, 15-minute consultation to see how ADHD therapy can help your child realize their potential.

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